🧐As a manager, have you ever faced situations where you were afraid to delegate tasks for fear that your employees wouldn’t be able to handle them or lack enthusiasm for the work assigned? Or you might have delegated tasks but still ended up taking on too much work yourself, leading to increased pressure.Understanding the pressures that a manager has to endure, DTS Vietnam, in collaboration with VMP Academy, organized a training program titled “Empowerment Skills” led by the enthusiastic instructor Phan Huu Loc for all Leaders and Assistant Managers working at DTS Vietnam.

☘️ During the training session, Leaders and Assistant Managers learned foundational concepts about empowerment, such as distinguishing between EMPOWERING and ASSIGNING TASKS, the conditions and factors necessary for effective empowerment. This helps everyone develop a mindset for applying processes, methods, and principles when delegating authority.
📖 Contrary to the expectation that the training would be filled with hard-to-remember theories, it was not the case. Drawing from his extensive experience, Mr. Loc introduced strategies like the Skill x Will matrix, the 5T empowerment levels, the POWER model, and the START method. All these made DTSVN managers exclaim “ah” and “oh,” nodding in agreement at how comprehensible they were.
✍️ Using these formulas, Mr. Loc brought up real-life situations faced by the participants, involving them in role-playing and discussions to address the very issues they were encountering. From there, he offered advice on what they were lacking or what they should avoid when acting as empowering managers.
☕Although the training lasted all day, the participants remained energetic, actively absorbing the content and engaging openly in discussions under Mr. Loc’s enthusiastic and humorous instruction. 
🏆 We hope that after this training session, the participants have equipped themselves with the necessary skills for their roles and will receive positive evaluations from their managers as “Empowerers” in the near future.