Fresh vegetables and fruits, both sweet and savory,

Brings joy to everyone’s heart,

One gift is already completed,

The second gift wraps up bundles of love.

Rice and meat prepared for the journey,

Don’t forget to keep your phone on, delivery right to your doorstep,

Wishing for abundant health,

We’ll meet again, embracing each other.

Hoping the pandemic passes quickly,

The end of the year will be bright, celebrating together (bingo).

On the night of July 23, 2021, the Chairman of Hanoi People’s Committee issued Directive implementing social distancing following Directive No. 16/CT-TTg. The entire city entered a new phase of social distancing to join hands in fighting the pandemic. Companies also hurried to switch employees to remote work mode. All activities were encouraged to be resolved online, including grocery shopping.

Seeing that employees of the Company faced many difficulties in preparing food during the initial phase of social distancing, and with the desire to show care for their employees’ lives, the Company, in collaboration with the DTS Vietnam Trade Union Executive Committee, planned to provide special gifts to each member of the DTS Vietnam family.

(First Gift)

Although each gift may not be of significant value, amidst the difficulties of the pandemic, it represents a whole process of coordination, preparation, and collaboration with various parties to deliver gifts to DTSers in a convenient, timely, safe, and efficient manner.

(Second Gift)

It is hoped that this small gift, along with messages full of love, will serve as a spiritual boost to help DTSers stay strong and continue to accompany the Company through this challenging period.

After the trips filled with love and dedication, receiving the sharing, appreciation, and gratitude from DTSers also warms the heart and brings happiness.

(Shared from Mr. Chat.ND’s family when receiving the gift)

(Shared by Ms. Anh.PK when receiving a gift from the Company)

It is hoped that these beautiful and heartwarming images, along with the emotional sharing about the gifts sent by DTSers, will spread positive energy to the community. And no matter the circumstances, the Company will always be by your side, thinking of the best things for you.

Hopefully, members of DTS Vietnam will take good care of themselves and we will soon meet again at our shared home, DTS Vietnam.