If you are a Project Manager or have the goal of becoming one, then this article is for you! Below are the experiences shared by Mr. Trần Công Phan Vinh – currently holding the position of Assistant Manager of DEV 1 department and also the first person in the company to successfully achieve the PMP certification with an admirable score! Alongside are practical insights from Mr. Ngô Anh Tuấn – currently serving as Leader of the DEV 1 department, who has also early completed and acquired the PMP certification.
Firstly, let’s understand what the PMP certification is through the shared insights from these two gentlemen:
When it comes to the PMP certification, there are many concepts and definitions. However, it can be simply understood through the following points:
– PMP (Project Management Professional) is a professional project management certification provided by the US-based Project Management Institute (PMI).
– It is an international certification, globally recognized. Although there are many project management certifications worldwide, it can be said that PMP is the most reputable, prestigious, and widely recognized certification up to the present time.
Who should prepare for this certification?
“All those involved in project management should have knowledge related to the PMP certification. However, to set a goal of obtaining the certification, committing both the cost and effort to study, those who aim to become project managers, team leaders, and have been involved in projects for about 2-3 years should seriously consider studying for this certification,” shared by Mr. Vinh.
Is preparing the application for the PMP exam difficult? What should be noted?
Regarding the application preparation, Mr. Tuấn shared: “It is not difficult at all, just follow the process and instructions on the PMI’s official website, it’s quite simple. Pay attention to the registration requirements, submission process, and exam registration process provided by PMI.”
Motivation to be determined to achieve the certification right from the first attempt?
According to Mr. Vinh’s sharing: The desire to obtain this certification has been on his mind since late 2018. At that time, he studied and learned but realized that he was not mature enough in many aspects, so he delayed the learning process many times.
In 2020, when he decided to study for the exam, he set a principle for himself: The earlier you fail, the earlier you succeed. Dare to try, if you fail, it will be an experience for the next attempt. Therefore, for him, determining the mindset at the beginning is very important, it is related to the determination and readiness for any outcome during the study process.
(Mr. Trần Công Phan Vinh – the first person at DTS Vietnam to successfully conquer the PMP certification)
Additionally, Mr. Tuấn shared:
Since the time of graduation, when he decided to pursue a project management path, he learned about the PMP certification and studied it. When the company had a policy of sponsoring training costs and investing in each employee’s professional development, he saw this as an opportunity to pursue his goal of obtaining the PMP certification. When he started studying, he had many reasons to strive and complete the course to the best of his ability. Firstly, for himself:
– Wanting to become a professional project manager.
– Wanting to understand project standard processes, operations, and international project management standards.
– Being able to manage any project with clients from around the world.
– Having the opportunity to earn a higher salary.
Secondly, out of responsibility to the company:
Very grateful to the company – the main sponsor for this training course. With the company’s attention and investment, he felt responsible for completing the course well. And with what he learned, he could apply it to work to manage projects more professionally and efficiently, raising the value of DTS Vietnam to its partners.
Next, we must mention the motivation from the family: This is a certification that consumes a lot of personal time; he almost gave up all household chores for his wife, all playing and teaching time for his children… And the most pressure encouragement from his son: “Dad, try to pass so we can play together!”
With those reasons, it was enough to keep him from being complacent, always striving to complete the course and achieve deserving results.
(Mr. Ngô Anh Tuấn – always making every effort to achieve the desired results)
Could you share some personal experiences, tips when studying for the PMP certification?
With his experiences, Mr. Vinh emphasized: The most important thing is still the mindset of each person, feel comfortable, confident, and dare to fail. Just by taking the exam, you will definitely pass, on the contrary, if you are afraid of failing and do not register for the exam, postpone… you will never pass.
Starting to study at a center was a great advantage when there were instructions to help each person understand correctly and clearly define what to do, how to study, instead of wasting time not knowing where to start. So just trust the guidance from the center. Besides, do as many practice exams as possible to have reflexes, fill in gaps, and supplement missing knowledge. When time is tight, then eliminate unnecessary things.
As for Mr. Tuấn: Everyone will have different ways of learning, effective and suitable for themselves. But all require investment in time and determination:
– Truly wanting to achieve the certification at all costs and as quickly as possible.
– English may be a barrier, but don’t be discouraged because this issue can be addressed during the study process and completely resolved.
– Do not fear failure, the earlier you fail, the earlier you succeed.
– Studying for the certification is like running a project.
– Set clear deadlines and plans.
– When the exam date is set, studying for the exam should always be the top priority.
A message to members continuing on the arduous path to conquer the PMP certification:
– Invest enough time and prioritize studying to achieve worthy results.
– Keep a relaxed mindset, be ready for any outcome.
– Don’t be afraid of failure; the earlier you fail, the earlier you succeed.
Not only the PMP certification but in the future, there will certainly be many more goals for other certifications, alongside the goal of obtaining certifications for team members.
No one asserts that those with certifications will manage projects better than those without certifications. But when you study, learn from successful predecessors, the way you approach new projects will be different. Consider it as a toolkit to help you approach and handle work most efficiently.
Hopefully, after the sharing from these two gentlemen, members of DTS Vietnam will continue on the path of conquering this certification as if being given additional strength, belief to complete the training program and achieve the best exam results. DTS Vietnam will increasingly have more PMP certifications, aiming to manage projects professionally and efficiently, enhancing the value of DTS Vietnam to its partners.