• Have you ever wondered about gender equality in the workplace?
  • What does it mean, and how is it implemented?

“Gender equality” is a term we often hear, but understanding it can still be limited.

Gender equality has become an increasingly discussed issue across various fields in recent years. Companies and businesses are focusing on achieving gender balance at all levels, especially in key leadership positions.

In September 2021, DTS Vietnam participated in a survey on gender equality in the workplace initiated by the Vietnam Business Coalition for Women’s Empowerment (VBCWE). Experts from VBCWE studied DTS Vietnam’s policies and compared them with survey results conducted by DTS Vietnam members, as well as practical actions taken.

On June 1, 2022, Ms. Nguyen Hai Uyen, Head of the GA Department, represented DTS Vietnam in receiving international certification for gender equality in business at the “Recognition Ceremony for Businesses Receiving International Gender Equality Certification (EDGE & GEARS).”

(Representative of DTS Vietnam – Ms. Nguyen Hai Uyen – Head of the GA Department proudly receiving the gender equality certification in the workplace)

Recognized as a company with a balanced gender ratio, coupled with the international certification for gender equality, DTS Vietnam affirms its commitment to providing an equal working environment with ample opportunities for career advancement for all its members. Additionally, female employees at DTS Vietnam enjoy the best policies, including maternity leave, menstrual leave, transparent salary and bonus structures, and more.
If you want to learn more about the excellent welfare policies that DTS Vietnam offers, especially those designed for women, check out the following link: