As part of the training roadmap closely aligned with the career progression path, the advanced skills training program is the subsequent training for nurturing potential staff and senior staff working at DTSVN for over a year. Hindered by the Covid pandemic, the training program faced disruptions in 2021, but “where there’s a will, there’s a way.” The training activities for these participants resumed this year with the first training session focusing on “Effective Communication Skills,” facilitated by Ms. Nguyen Hai Uyen (GA Manager).

Due to the interruptions in the training program in 2021, this time the program accommodated a large number of participating employees, split into three training sessions on July 27, 28, & 29. Despite all three sessions covering the same content and featuring the same facilitator, Ms. Hai Uyen’s skillful guidance brought forth different approaches in each session.

(Lecturer Uyen.NH)

 (Warm-up session using real-life scenarios)

“Communication skills” are a soft skill that everyone should learn and requires a continuous process of refinement. Therefore, with the time constraints of the 1.5-hour training session, Ms. Uyen streamlined the theoretical content and practical exercises.

     (Learning theory but still needing direct practical lessons)

Understanding the participants’ needs, Ms. Uyen introduced practical exercises involving interactions between individuals, groups, and between individuals and the collective. This approach created some confusion for those who don’t regularly communicate with colleagues from different departments. However, by coordinating interactive activities and games, Ms. Uyen ensured that the atmosphere in each session was enthusiastic and filled with laughter.

  (Pre and post-session tests using various forms to help participants retain the knowledge from the training session)