1. Tin nổi bật


    5-Year Milestone Celebration: Honoring Special Contributions

    Five years – a journey not short by any means, yet for each individual, it holds its unique memories.

  2. Tin nổi bật


    Honoring Ceremony for Outstanding Employees – Q2/2021

    The summer rain has helped Hanoi cool down after a series of long hot days. But the “HOT” thing at DTS Vietnam cannot be reduced yet when the list of excellent employees for the second quarter was just announced on July 7, 2021.

104-0032 Tầng 8 Tòa nhà Empire, 2-23-1 Hatchobori, Chuo-ku, Tokyo, Nhật Bản
(8F., Empire Building, 2-23-1 Hatchobori, Chuo-ku, Tokyo 104-0032)